Customizing Mac OSX using opensource
by Jordan Hubbard + Kevin Van Vechten
recompiling software which come pre-built w/ osx
Darwin is the os core of osx. Includes kernel, IOKit families, and BSD commands and libraries.
Darwin source – ||
.tar.gz snapshots organized by release.
OpenDarwin – community run site w/ standard opensource tools (bugzilla, cvs, irc, etc)
Webkit – Based on khtml/kjs
can progress live
DarwinPorts – similar to FreeBSD ports system. 2,500+ ports. Easy customization wiht “Variants”
Fink – Based on debian packages. 5K+ ports – offers pre-built packages.
Building Darwin
- know objective
- only replace system when necessary
- beware of software updates (have to re-apply mods)
- make backups
Potential Problems
- Default compiler problems (different gcc version)
- environment variables
- build aliases
- no private headers
- no static libraries
user __gcc_select__ to change and report compiler versions
environment variables (where system looks for some things)
- SRCROOT (src files)
- OBJROOT (object files)
- SYSROOT (debug bin)
- DSTROOT (final bin)
Variables (compile)
- RC_RELEASE (Tiger)
- RC_ARCH (ppci386)
- RC_ProjectName (name of project being built)
And many more compile time variables
Missing header files – private headers (ex. /usr/local/streams/streams.h /usr/local/lib/libkld.a)
No internal tools /usrl/local/kextool? – for building kernel modules
DarwinBuild – handles all the above incompatibilities
- darwinbuild -init AC46 (ac46 is engineering build number)
- darwinbuild project_name
- darwinbuild bash
This will download sources build (missed point in which you could patch source) and install new binary